Have you ever thought about what your toilet paper is made of?
Uncategorized Hannah McGovern Gross Uncategorized Hannah McGovern Gross

Have you ever thought about what your toilet paper is made of?

Americans, just 4 percent of the world’s population, are responsible for 20 percent of global toilet paper (TP) consumption. This is about 36 billions rolls per year. And yet, we often don’t discuss, care, or think about what toilet paper is actually made of.

Though I’m sure most of us have seen those Charmin toilet paper commercials where cartoon bears are using extra soft TP so that it feels nice on their hairy bums? These nonsensical commercials make it seem like TP is so trivial but in reality, conventional TP is very harmful to you and the planet.

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Oh put a cork in it!
Uncategorized Hannah McGovern Gross Uncategorized Hannah McGovern Gross

Oh put a cork in it!

…that's how I feel when I hear myself telling people about waste and recycling: that people want me to shut up. Sometimes I think it’s because they aren’t interested, but sometimes, it’s because they feel guilty that aren’t also aware of these issues.

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